Best Push Presents

Push Presents For The Tech Mom

Push Presents - Tech Mom
These days, the new mom is tech savvy. They are used to using tech gadgets and gone are the days where the sole form of communication is the telephone. Now the Internet has opened several platforms for communication. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., the new mom will be able to easily be connected to her social media world with some of these tech gadgets. In addition, the cameras on this list are sure to take much better pictures than the new mom’s cell phone. This way, she’ll be able to show off baby with the best pictures. As well, some of these gadgets will pass the time for the new mom while baby is sleeping or whenever she has a moment rocking baby or holding sleeping baby. Allow her to get caught up with her TV shows or let her relax watching a movie in Netflix.
The best part about these tech push gifts is that unlike jewelry push presents, you can use these too!

1. Kindle e-Reader

Push Present - Kindle
Best Push Present - Kindle Paperwhite

Any new mom soon becomes an expert at doing things with just one hand. When you’ve always got a baby in your arms, trying to turn the pages of a good book is tricky. That’s why e-readers are a genius new mom gift. From $50 to $100, depending on the brand, a new mom can hold a lightweight version of the latest novel, all while turning the pages with a press of a button or flick of the finger.

2. Tablet

Push Present - Tablet - Tech
Best Push Present - Tablet

A tablet is much more portable than a desktop computer or laptop but at the same time, has more real estate than a tiny phone screen. This way, the new mom can carry it in her purse or diaper bag. It can be used to do banking transactions, watching Netflix or keeping current with social media.

3. DSLR Camera

Push Present - DSLR
Best Push Present - Digital Camera
If you have just had a baby, you and the mother of child will want to take pictures of your baby all the time. Although cameras on your phones have advanced, they still don’t provide as much quality as a DSLR camera. Phone camera pictures don’t look that nice if you print them out in larger sizes. If you want high quality pictures that you can see every detail of your new baby, then push gift a DSLR camera for the new mom. Make others in social media jealous when they see the quality of pictures of your baby using a DSLR camera. 
Take better pictures than a tablet or phone with one of these. Pictures from a digital camera will stand out in all your social media platforms because most others are using lower quality phone cameras. Digital camera pictures are also the best if you’d like to print out the pictures, especially enlarging them. Most cameras also have a video mode as well. Make sure mom catches all those precious moments with the best quality pictures. She will definitely appreciate it.

4. Smart TV

Push Present - Smart TV
Best Push Present - Smart TV

Open up the world of entertainment on the Internet by push gifting a smart TV to the new mom. You can stream tv shows or movies with a touch of a button. Whether it is Netflix or Amazon TV, it won’t get much easier for new mama to choose an endless library of TV shows and movies so she can relax and wind down while baby is sleeping. Smart TVs also come with the added benefit of being able to search the Internet or watch YouTube all by using the TV remote. Your new baby mama will definitely appreciate this push present since it will help her to relax.

Top it up with a gift card from Hulu or Netflix so she can binge watch when she wants to relax.

5. Laptop

Push Present - Macbook
Best Push Present - Laptop

A laptop for a new mom can be very handy because she can put it in the diaper bag and bring it wherever she brings baby. She can even sit with it on her laptop in her glider chair while baby is sleeping. A laptop has a much bigger screen than a tablet or phone so it can be definitely more productive. Mommy can catch up in her social world, watch YouTube videos, catch up with the news, etc. Mommy can even start her new blog on her new laptop push gift!

6. Smart Watch

Push Present - Smart Watch
Best Push Present - Smart Watch
Smart watches can be very stylish and can help a busy mom do things without pulling out her phone. The watch can connect to her phone and display various notifications, such as texts, phone calls, social media, etc. Mom can even answer and talk on the phone through her watch! Another good reason for mom to have a smart watch is to track her fitness. She can count her steps, monitor exercises, monitor walking and even monitor her sleep.

7. Amazon Echo

Push Present - Amazon Echo
Best Push Present - Amazon Echo
Amazon always comes up with something that makes life easier. Amazon Echo is one such invention. A new mom can use her voice to order things on Amazon and have it shopped shipped to her,  or update her calendar, or call her friends, play music, check weather, etc. An Amazon Echo is a perfect push present and will be beneficial to the new mom who will always have her hands full. 

8. Smart Vacuum

Push Present - Smart Vacuum
Best Push Present - Smart Vacuum
Who has time to vacuum? Why not let a robot vacuum for you so you’ll have more time for better things? A smart robot vacuum will do the “dirty work” for you. You can set it to clean as many times as you want depending on how clean you want your house. It can even be set to vacuum from your phone, even when you’re not at home. These vacuums are so smart that they even go back to their charging station when they’re done cleaning.

9. Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer

Best Push Present - Supersonic Hair Dryer

Way more sophisticated than your typical hair dryer. Super-fast drying, prevents heat damage due to air temperature monitoring every 20 seconds. Various settings for best use. Mommy needs to save time any way she can because taking care of baby will take up most of her time. Valuable time used to get ready can be saved with one of these Supersonic Hair Dryer push gifts.

10. Smart Mirror

Push Present - Smart Mirror
Push Present - Smart Mirror

This mirror will assess baby mama’s skin condition! This includes wrinkles, spots and pores so they can focus makeup where needed! This will also tell her what products work best for her. This mirror also has different shades of light so mommy can see what she’d look like in dim lighting, in bright lighting, outdoors, etc.

Keep your tech mom happy and more productive while taking care of baby. These products will help her save time because she will be using most of her time with baby. She will not have time so anything that helps her save time would make these great push presents.